I was writing an email effusing praise for your critique against the artifice of conscience when I received a call from Mr. Siddiqui informing me he has cancelled our grease bomb contract!! An agent within Siddiqui’s Ministry of Defense was reviewing our mandatory disclosures when he identified Dr. Steward – our food ballistics expert – as his former lover! Apparently, Dr. Steward originates from a country with opposing interests to Mr. Siddiqui. He has been infiltrating disparate government and para-government entities for the past eight years. He agreed to work with us to further his objective of destabilizing the region and justifying a war with Mr. Siddiqui’s country. Dr. Steward wants Siddiqui to stockpile weapons in order to justify escalation into a bona fide regional conflict. He used us to cause harm to Siddiqui’s failing political state. Dr. Steward is a double agent!
Edwin, I cannot begin to apologize for this massive blunder on my end. I should have vetted Dr. Steward’s credentials prior to retaining him. I failed my due diligence, and as a result, we lost the contract to Grease Unlimited LLC. I take full accountability for this mistake. There are no excuses. I am so sorry.
Solemnly asking for your forgiveness,
Jeff Holiday
Senior Negotiator, VP of Sales, Buttered Up, Inc.